The Compensation Plan
The Compensation Plan for being a part of the Game Loot Network is simple, and extremely rewarding. Make literally thousands a month with this lucrative program all based on the fast and high paced world of Gaming Apps.
This is a Business Model that is already proven, and one that is Entertaining and something that virtually everyone is involved in…. Gaming Apps. In-App purchases that make the game play faster, and gives real-time satisfaction during game play will only build up your Commissionable volumes. The more we share this and gain Premium Games and Game Ambassadors the more we can earn. Residually… The Compensation Plan makes this Opportunity amazing in the world of Gaming Apps.
To see the entire Compensation Plan, CLICK HERE for the Opportunity Presentation, there are 2 Videos, one that explains the Opportunity and the Pay Structure (lucrative pay I might add) along with a second video explaining the Builder Bonus that is available for when you kick into gear with your 4th Game Ambassador and beyond (unlimited) that pays out bonuses upwards of $10,000 per. CLICK HERE and see the .pdf version spelling it all out. I will explain the key points below:
To Fully Qualify for the Payouts, you need to do the following as a Game Ambassador:
- Enroll at least (3) Personal Game Ambassadors into your Game Loot Network.
- Enroll at least (5) Premium Gamers (you have 60 days Grace Period to meet this qualification)
That is the work you are minimally signing up for when you become a Game Ambassador. Do more, and get paid even more, including the Builder Bonuses that can make you an extra $10,000 for each and every Game Ambassador you get after your initial 3. All while building up your Game Loot Network and building up your income.
From there you are building 3 Teams. You need to have volume under all 3 Teams to be able to advance in rank, and advance in Compensation Levels. You will be earning weekly compensation as well as monthly compensation throughout your efforts of building your Game Loot Network.
Compensation Plan for Daily Commissions as you reach the Qualifying Volume Levels. Allowing your Daily Commissions to upwards of $1Million a Year. And be able to receive one-time Level Up Bonuses of $250 to $200,000 (total Level Up Bonuses of $869,500).
Compensation Plan for building business with your Game Ambassadors. As you work with your Game Ambassadors to build up their business, you can earn additional bonuses of up to $10,000 per Game Ambassador (on your 4th to infinity Game Ambassador) that you bring into your Game Loot Network.
Compensation Plan – There are 3 ways we get paid. Daily Residual Commissions, One-Time Level Up Bonuses, and the Builder Bonuses. The more you put into your Game Loot Network, the more you can make.
We have a Power Point that goes over this and what it means to you and your Bank Account.
CLICK HERE to download and view the Power Point covering the building of your Game Ambassador business with Game Loot Network. This will cover how the Compensation Plan works, and show you what it means to you.